Tuesday 29 May 2007

Egypt was one of the first civilisations. The Egyptian kings instructed the people to build the pyramids. When the kings died, they were buried inside the pyramids.

Architects designed the pyramids, but the workers were farmers. There were no tools or machines, so the workers used their hands. They worked for many years. Many of them died because it was dangerous work. The Great Pyramid there is bigger than ten football pitches.

Later, archaeologists opened up the pyramids and discovered the dead kings and their jewellery, weapons, furniture and musical instruments. They also discovered examples of early writing.

The ancient Egyptians used pictures instead of words. They carved pictures on wet clay. Then the clay dried to form 'writing blocks'. We know about the life of the ancient Egyptians because they buried the writing blocks in the pyramids, too.
Vitor Ribeiro 6ºB

1 comment:

englishclubcv said...

We must go to Egypt someday!